Nico Tailored Therapies

There are a lot of different kinds of massages in the world today.  Everything like: aromatherapy massage, lymphatic drainage massage, sports massage, natural lift facial massage etc.; all of which are designed to have specific effects on the body.  Take lymphatic drainage for example; great for IBS and stress-related conditions; aromatherapy is good for things like menopause, stress, as well as many others.  The massage we’re going to talk about today is deep tissue massage therapy.  It has continued to grow in popularity over the recent years – we think do the fact, that today’s average person is under far more stress and pressure than usual; and people now are having to seek out workable alternative therapies from either recommendations or through personal research.  Deep tissue massage, if done right, lives up to its reputation.

Deep tissue massage is very a very intense and effective style of massage consisting of slow, long and deep strokes that works deep into the core of the muscle and tissues to enable a release of tension.  Although it is very helpful for athletes, it is now being used by everyday people to handle knots and tensions caused by stress and other influences; and if not treated, many cases do become more serious.  Most notably your muscle tissues will begin to loosen and feel more relaxed whilst akes and pains start to subside.  Post massage you will notice greater range of movements.

Our records indicate we treat 90% of clients with deep tissue massage compared to other styles of massage that we offer – due largely in part because people are understanding more about deep tissue massage and that there is another more effective choice.  Deep tissue massage has replaced the classic Swedish massage in terms of frequency of use whereas people all over the world normally sought out a massage for a simple purpose – to relax.   We are glad that people are becoming more aware about massage therapy and what it can do in terms of assisting healing and wellbeing – although it’s a sad fact that modern hectic life creates the added need for this style of massage regularly.

People who unfortunately suffer from diseases such as chronic discomfort, fibromyalgia, edema, muscle cramping, and even carpal tunnel syndrome (to name a few) often discover deep tissue massage in their search to relieve pain and discomfort.

Deep tissue massage uses very firm pressure.  For some who are new to deep tissue, it may be necessary to ease in to a full-blown massage like this as it is not uncommon to feel some discomfort.  The discomfort comes from easing the tight muscles and/or tissues by exerting the correct amount of pressure and deep tissue techniques necessary.  After the treatment there can be a few days of soreness.

The more often you have deep tissue massage the looser the muscles become, the body is more excepting of the treatment, and you get more benefits.  Having regular deep tissue massage is not only good for your muscles but it is also good for your overall health and wellbeing.

Our purpose is to heal your body.  Nico Tailored Therapies offers other styles of massage and alternative therapies, so treatments can be tailored to suit your needs.  No two bodies are the same and we understand that, therefore not two treatments are the same.

Nico Austin is the founder of Nico Tailored Therapies in London.  Nico is dedicated to improving the quality of health and wellbeing through her remedial and holistic healing therapies. For more information about Nico Austin or Nico Tailored Therapies and its services you can visit the web site at

In order to understand the many benefits of deep tissue massage, you must first have an understanding of what is meant by deep tissue massage.  During a deep tissue treatment, pressure is not increased just for the sake of it.  It’s about reading the muscle’s condition and applying the appropriate pressure and deep tissue techniques in order to get good results.  The results of a properly given deep tissue massage treatment are: relaxed and stretched muscles, release of knotted muscle fibres and an overall feeling of wellbeing (not to mention healthier skin, improved brain function and better performance during exercise).

In deep tissue massage we work with the myofascial tissues …that is, the muscle and the sinewy outer casing as well as trigger points. Trigger points are a specific area that when pressed (between 30-90 seconds) can cause a spontaneous muscular release in the given area.  Muscles, ligaments, and tendons create the network that allows our body’s movement – when these are tight and restricted so is our movement.

When the muscle fibres become over stimulated they create what is known as a ‘trigger point’. This means the muscle is unable to release from its contracted, or working, state. Therefore leading to tension and or knots in the muscle.  Trigger points can become extremely painful over time and lead to restricted blood flow in the area and causes starvation of oxygen, vitamins and minerals – essential to repair and maintain the muscles. Also at this time there will be a build up of toxins and waste products such as lactic acid that is unable to disperse due to the poor circulation.  It’s extremely detrimental to the recovery and repair of muscle fibres.

Symptoms that you may experience due to trigger points can include muscle weakness, stiffness, oedema (swelling), postural distortions, dizziness, and referred pain – meaning that the signals from the brain are getting confused in the body. Trigger points can also compress nearby nerves causing burning, tingling, and numbness. If left untreated it will often results in increased stress and anxiety for the individual and causes lost time from work and other activities.

When you come in for deep tissue massage, the therapist works through the layers of muscle tissue to seek out the trigger points.  S/he will work through the layers of fascia to find the knots and tension. By working in a systematic way, through the muscle layers, the trigger points and myofascial holding patterns (tension for example) are released. This allows new oxygenated and blood to flow back into the tissues that have been oxygen deprived, providing much needed nutrients to the area.

Deep tissue massage has a lot to offer for the individual suffering with back pain, neck pain, leg pain, and or arm pain and problems associated with muscle strain and overuse. It also helps to decrease symptoms of anxiety and stress through pain reduction and relaxation.

Nico Austin is the founder of Nico Tailored Therapies in London.  Nico is dedicated to improving the quality of health and wellbeing through her remedial and holistic healing therapies. For more information about Nico Austin or Nico Tailored Therapies and its services you can visit the web site at


Those of you who suffer from scoliosis, kyphosis (hunchback or roundback), lordosis (swayback or saddle back) or dowagers hump (or another kind of curvature of the spine) may find relief from the discomfort caused by these conditions as well as improving the condition visually.

What is scoliosis – a medical condition in which a person’s spine is curved from side to side. Although it is a complex three-dimensional deformity, on an X-ray, viewed from the rear, the spine of an individual with scoliosis may look more like an “S” or a “C” than a straight line.

Patients having reached skeletal maturity are less likely to have a worsening case. Some severe cases of scoliosis can lead to diminishing lung capacity, putting pressure on the heart, and restricting physical activities.

The signs of scoliosis can include:

  • Uneven musculature on one side of the spine
  • A rib prominence and/or a prominent shoulder blade, caused by rotation of the ribcage in thoracic scoliosis
  • Uneven hips/leg lengths
  • Slow nerve action (in some cases)

What is kyphosis – also called hunchback or roundback, is a common condition of a curvature of the upper back. It can be either the result of degenerative diseases (such as arthritis), osteoporosis with compression fractures of the vertebrae, and/or trauma.

In the sense of a deformity, it is the pathological curving of the spine, where parts of the spinal column lose some or all of their lordotic profile. This causes a bowing of the back, seen as a slouching posture.

We most commonly see Postural kyphosis – normally attributed to slouching and can occur in both the elderly and the young. In the young, it can be called ‘slouching’ and is reversible by correcting muscular imbalances using deep tissue massage and stretching exercises, postural awareness. In the old, it may be called ‘hyperkyphosis‘ or ‘dowager’s hump’. As we age are muscle density reduces and this results in a loss of musculoskeletal integrity, and so kyphosis can develop.

What is lordosis – a medical term used to describe a condition where the lower back curves inwards above the buttocks.  Excessive or hyperlordosis is commonly referred to as swayback or saddle back; a term that originates from the similar condition that arises in some horses.

The main causes are excess weight, weak hamstrings or abdominal muscles and pregnancy; and it can also be a genetic trait.

Treatment can involve regular deep tissue massage and exercise.

What is dowagers hump – An abnormal outward curvature of the vertebrae of the upper back. Compression of the front (anterior) portion of the involved vertebrae leads to forward bending of the spine (kyphosis) and creates a hump at the upper back, also resulting in a build-up of fatty tissue over the affected area.

Dowager’s hump is often preventable or correctable through the postural changes induced in regular deep tissue massages.

Nico Tailored Therapies in central London has helped many clients with these conditions through the use of deep tissue massage.

Many people don’t realise they are suffering from these conditions and in some cases we find our clients have been wrongly diagnosed with a chronic condition such as scoliosis when in actual fact it is simply tense and tight muscles pulling the spine out of it’s natural alignment.

While some clinics would use a chair to carry out a deep tissue massage treatment for this condition, we (Nico Tailored Therapies) will always use a couch (table).  This way, the client is in a relaxed condition and we’re better able to see the condition and work on it with the require amount pressure throughout the deep tissue massage treatment.

Nico Austin is the founder of Nico Tailored Therapies in London.  Nico is dedicated to improving the quality of health and wellbeing through her remedial and holistic healing therapies. For more information about Nico Austin or Nico Tailored Therapies and its services you can visit the web site at

Deep tissue massage therapy is the most gratifying massage one can have. If especially, like many people, you suffer from shoulder aches, back or neck pain or stiffness in the lower back. This chronic muscular tension now seems to be part of our daily lives. Nico Tailored Therapies can iron out your knotting and tension so you can get on with and go about your day without those aches and pains.

As mentioned, chronic muscle pain usually presents itself in the form of a stiff neck, tight shoulders and a sore lower back. These symptoms are caused by chronically tense and contracted muscles. What a client might describe as a tight, tense muscle is actually a band of rigid tissue. There are adhesions in the muscles (tendons, ligaments, fascia, or connective tissues of the body) that, left untreated, can cause a number of more serious issues such as inflammation, restricted circulation and limited movement; and if these issues go untreated you will be prone to more serious diseases.

When giving a deep tissue treatment our therapists use slow and intense pressure to break down knotting and adhesions in the muscles. They focus precisely on these areas where the pain and tension are rooted. Slow and firm strokes are the main methods the therapist uses to gain access into the deeper muscles without causing further tension and constriction in the muscle during the treatment. A firm rocking pressure maybe used over some areas (often over the back, along side of the erector spinae). The therapist will use fingertips, palms, knuckles, forearms, elbows and in some extreme case s/he will use knees. We do NOT advocate the use of massage tools. The use of massage tools separates the therapist’s senses from the body and how the muscles (or tissues) are responding to treatment. Read the rest of this entry »

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